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Universität Greifswald
IRTG “Baltic Peripeties. Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes”

University of Greifswald

Prof. Dr Eckhard Schumacher

IRTG Speaker

Prof. Dr Annelie Ramsbrock

IRTG Vice Speaker

Dr Alexander Waszynski

Academic Coordinator

Anna Derksen, M.A.

Assistant Lecturer

Hannah Willcox, M.A.

IRTG Research Development Coordinator

University of Tartu

Prof. Dr Anti Selart

IRTG Speaker

NTNU Trondheim

Prof. Dr Ingvild Folkvord

IRTG Speaker

PhD Representatives

Oksana Alekseev, M.A.

PHD Researcher

Henriette Hellinger, M.A.

PHD Researcher

Jan Reinicke, M.A.

PHD Researcher