A three-layered memorial (part II)
Besides the main building, another historical part of the former Falstad prison camp is preserved: the Commandant’s House, which was built by...
Politico-historical and climatic processes of change continue to challenge the Baltic Sea Region. Given, for example, the lasting effect of the COVID-19 pandemic, unsolved issues of environmental pollution, and the effects of the war on Ukraine, it seems critical to understand how crucial moments of change – turning points – are conceptualised, remembered, and narratively negotiated. Borrowing from Aristotle’s Poetics, the concept of ‘peripety,’ denoting the unexpected reversal of circumstances in tragedy, promises a tool to examine the often-contradictory narrations of current and historical events within and beyond the Baltic Sea Region, as well as their impact on individual and collective sense-making through narratives as a foundation of human perception of reality.
Under this guiding concept, the conference, organised by the International Research Training Group 2560 (DFG) “Baltic Peripeties. Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes” (Greifswald – Tartu – Trondheim), brought together research from Environmental History, Medical Humanities, Literature, Theatre, Security, Migration, and Memory Studies.
The full conference report can be read here: http://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/fdkn-137690
Impressions from the conference and guided tour to Eldena Abbey:
Besides the main building, another historical part of the former Falstad prison camp is preserved: the Commandant’s House, which was built by...
Together with a small group of colleagues we took our chance during our annual workshop, Resonant Conflicts. Turning Points in the Baltic...
Die skandinavischen Wohlfahrtsstaaten gelten mit ihrer sozialdemokratischen Ausrichtung weltweit als Musterbeispiele für soziale Sicherheit und Egalität. In Schweden hat diese Gesellschaftsvision 1928...