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Prof. Dr Cordelia Heß

Cordelia Heß holds the chair of Nordic History at the University of Greifswald. Her research areas include late medieval religious cultures of the Baltic Sea region, interreligious contacts, memory politics, and antisemitism. Together with Jonathan Adams (Copenhagen) and Christhard Hoffmann (Bergen/Oslo), she is the editor of the open access book series “Religious Minorities in the North: History, Politics, and Culture” (DeGruyter). She currently leads two DFG funded research projects about religious contact in the medieval Arctic and Fennoscandic regions, and about the memory of saints and heroes in the Baltic Sea region. She is also vice speaker of the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO) at Greifswald University. In 2024 she has been offered a position at Aarhus University.

University of Greifswald

Department of History
Domstr. 9a
17489 Greifswald


Chair of Nordic History