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Prof. Dr Roman Dubasevych

Roman Dubasevych holds the Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Greifswald. After graduating in German Studies at the National Ivan-Franko-University in L’viv, Freiburg/i. Br. and Graz, as well as practical intermezzos as literary translator and tourist guide, he acquired his second degree in Slavic Studies and Political Philosophy at the University of Regensburg and earned his PhD at Vienna University with a thesis on the Habsburg nostalgia in the post-Soviet Ukraine. Originally combining Memory Studies with Postcolonial Theory, his research interests now include psychoanalysis, trauma, Holocaust, film studies as well as pop culture. Since 2014 he has been studying the cultural foreplay to the Russian-Ukrainian war, in particular the nexus between national narratives, heroic masculinity and trauma. Apart from this, since 2018 he is the academic director of Greifswalder Ukrainicum – an international summer school on Ukraine.

University of Greifswald

Chair of Ukrainian Cultural Studies
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3
17489 Greifswald


Chair of Ukrainian Cultural Studies